Anne Bailey
acrylic on canvas, 16”x 20”
Dorset Heritage Museum
1040 Main St, Dorset
Artist Inspiration
Imagine lifting the lid of your bbq and finding a drey of newborn red squirrels, or looking up and seeing a nest of robins, or a fawn, or crocuses, trilliums, daffodils, tulips, berries rising from the barely thawed earth….what is happening here? It is Spring. And with Spring comes RENEWAL. The renewal of life’s cycle.
In Greek Mythology there are many symbolic gods…..PERSEPHONE being one. She is the inspiration of my colourful painting depicting the theme of RENEWAL.
The tale of Persephone and Hades is one of bad and good. Bad, in that Hades swept Persephone to the Underworld to be his Queen. When Demeter, her mother, discovered Persephone was missing and could not find her, she created a great drought on the earth to force the gods to return her. And so a deal was made with Zeus, Persephone’s father, and Hades, that for the 6 winter months of the year Persephone would live in the Underworld with Hades and the other 6 spring/summer months she would live on earth. Thus the good. When Persephone returns to the earth each spring she brings life, rebirth and renewal with her, making the lands flourish and prosper.
Artist Bio
Anne Bailey was born and raised in Toronto, Ontario. As an inner city kid, she always enjoyed her arts and crafts classes at her local Community Parks and Recreation Center. After graduating from the University of Western Ontario and raising a family she decided to rekindle her interest in art. To this day she continues with her art studies. Although she has tried different forms of art she enjoys painting with oils and acrylics.
Anne is a member of the Art Gallery of Ontario, the Art League of Marco Island, Rails End Gallery, and the Arts Council of Haliburton Highlands, where she exhibits and has sold her paintings. She has also exhibited at The Neilson Park Art Center and at various establishments throughout the Haliburton Highlands area.
Please visit her on Instagram at baileytaylorwood to see her latest works.
Dorset Heritage Museum
Dorset Heritage Museum officially opened on July 1 2001 and is located at Dorset Ontario at the crossroads of Muskoka and Haliburton. Featuring early exhibits of early pioneer life, local settlers, traditional logging practices, wonderful photo collections, and historic information pertaining to pioneer settlement of the Dorset area.
Opening Day for 2022 Season is Friday, July 1st, 10- 4pm
Open weekly Wednesday – Sunday 10 – 4pm
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